Lattes: A Caffeine Breakdown

Lattes are one of the most popular drinks served at any cafe. However, when getting their daily latte, some people may be wondering just how much caffeine is in a latte and how does this compare to a regular cup of coffee?

A coffee-based latte contains an average of either 64 mg of caffeine or 128 mg, depending on whether it has 1 or 2 espresso shots. An average tea-based latte hits around 40 mg of caffeine. For comparison, the average cup of coffee contains around 100 mg.

If you’re an avid latte drinker, you may want more information. Keep reading because we’re going to cover how a latte is made, how much caffeine they contain, the most common kinds, and how they compare to regular coffee.

How is a Latte Made?

Latte macchiato coffee

This will depend on what you mean when you say “latte.” The word “latte” in Italian simply translates to “milk,” meaning that if you order a latte in Italy, you’re likely to just get a glass of milk.

When it comes to caffeinated lattes, there are two main kinds: coffee-based lattes and tea-based lattes.

Coffee-Based Lattes

The coffee-based latte (also called a caffe latte) is what most people think of when they hear the term “latte.” This drink combines one or two espresso shots with a special kind of steamed milk.

The milk is steamed and frothed in order to create a nice creamy texture. The creamy texture of the milk is combined with the strong bitter flavor of the espresso to create a drink with both wonderful flavor and texture.

Tea-Based Lattes

Tea-based lattes take this same concept, but they replace espresso shots with your chosen tea. When making a tea-based latte, it’s best to pick a tea that will go well with the addition of milk.

The most popular option is using chai tea to make something called a chai latte, but there are other options, such as the extremely healthy matcha green tea, on chamomile.

How Much Caffeine is in a Coffee-Based Latte?

A traditional caffe latte is going to be made by combining steamed milk with one or two shots of espresso. This is done in a specific ratio of one-third espresso and two-thirds steamed milk. However, what do shots of espresso mean for the caffeine content?

The average espresso shot will contain about 64 milligrams of caffeine. A latte with two espresso shots will have about 128 milligrams of caffeine. These are average amounts, as the amount of caffeine will depend on what kind of beans you use to make the espresso.

For example, a shot of espresso at Starbucks will contain around 75 milligrams of caffeine, meaning a double shot hits 150 milligrams.

If the amount of caffeine in your latte bothers you, you can also order a latte with decaf espresso. This will reduce the amount of caffeine in your latte to zero, so you can enjoy it without keeping you up all night.

How Much Caffeine is in a Tea-Based Latte?

A coffee-based latte uses espresso shots instead of just adding regular coffee, but a tea-based latte just uses regular tea.

This means that the caffeine amount of a tea-based latte will be much less than its coffee-based alternative. In fact, replacing coffee with tea cuts the caffeine content of your drink by more than fifty percent.

As we mentioned before, a double shot caffe latte is going to contain around 128 milligrams of caffeine. This same drink with chai tea instead of espresso will have approximately 40 milligrams of caffeine.

This means that around three chai lattes equal one double shot caffe latte, so if you like the idea of drinking multiple lattes in a day without staying up all night, switching from coffee to tea might be a good option for you.

What are the Most Common Types of Lattes?

When ordering a latte, you are not just doomed to the flavorings of only milk and coffee/tea. There are tons of different flavors that you can choose from.

  • Mocha Latte: The mocha latte combines that nice creamy texture with the lovely sweet flavor of chocolate. This is one of the most popular latte flavors and is offered pretty much anywhere you can get coffee.
  • Vanilla Latte: And where there is chocolate, there is also vanilla. Vanilla lattes add a splash of vanilla for any vanilla lovers out there.
  • Caramel Latte: Another classic flavor is the caramel latte. Just as the name implies, the caramel latte adds some caramel sauce to your latte.
  • Chai Latte: If tea is more your speed, the chai latte is undoubtedly the most popular option. It combines black tea with milk and then adds a blend of cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. This blend of spices is exactly what made the chai latte so popular. It’s a unique flavor you can’t get from anything else.

Cup of Coffee vs. a Latte: Which Has a Higher Caffeine Content?

A hand holding a blue cup of hot black coffee with another latte coffee cup on wooden table

This is going to depend on how many espresso shots you get in your latte. As we mentioned earlier, a standard espresso will contain around 64 milligrams of caffeine. However, the average cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine, so a regular cup of coffee will contain more caffeine than a single shot latte.

However, a double shot latte contains around 128 milligrams of caffeine. This means that a double shot latte does have more caffeine than a standard cup of coffee.

Of course, this will depend on the blend of coffee you use. One hundred milligrams is only the average amount of caffeine. Some coffee blends can reach over 1000 milligrams of caffeine. Although, this is certainly more than the recommended amount of caffeine.

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