Pumpkin Spice Lattes: When They Come Back And How It All Started

The pumpkin spice latte is one of Starbucks’ most popular drinks. However, it is also a seasonal drink, meaning that it is not available all year. This will leave many pumpkin lovers curious about when the drink will return.

Created in 2003, the pumpkin spice latte returns to Starbucks in late August, usually around the 27th. The drink will remain for sale as long as supplies last, typically remaining on the menu until December.

If you would like more details on the release of the pumpkin spice latte, then stick around. In this article, we’ll cover when the pumpkin spice latte was released in the past, when it typically goes away, the history behind the drink, as well as other beverages that Starbucks serves in their fall lineup.

What Month Does Starbucks Start Making Pumpkin Spice Lattes?

Pumpkin latte drink

As you likely know, the Starbucks pumpkin spice latte is limited for sale only in the fall season. This means the pumpkin spice latte typically returns to Starbucks in late August. This has been true for every pumpkin spice latte release since 2018. And although you can try and make one at home with Pumpkin Spice Syrup (on Amazon), it’s hard to recreate the now-classic seasonal drink.

In 2020, the drink was made available on August 25th. In 2021, the drink made its debut slightly earlier on August 24th. Based on this data, you can assume the drink will be available around this time every year. So, if you are craving that sweet pumpkin and cinnamon flavor, mark down late August on your calendar.

In recent years, the latest in the year the drink was released was 2017. That year latte drinkers everywhere had to wait until September 1st to get their pumpkin spice lattes. However, every year since the drink has been released between August 24th and August 27th. So, it seems like 2017 was simply an outlier.

How Long Are Pumpkin Spice Lattes Served?

At Starbucks, the pumpkin spice latte does not have a set date for when it is taken off the menu. Instead, it remains available for sale “as long as supplies last.”

However, this does not mean we don’t know when the pumpkin spice latte will leave stores. Typically, Starbucks locations will stop serving the pumpkin spice latte in early December, when many locations begin running out of the necessary ingredients.

Though, sometimes specific Starbucks locations will take the pumpkin spice latte off their menu before they run out of ingredients. So, it can’t hurt to ask if they’re still serving the pumpkin spice latte before you’re forced to order something else.

When Did Starbucks First Create the Pumpkin Spice Latte?

The pumpkin spice latte was initially launched at Starbucks in 2003. Back then, pumpkin spice was a blend of spices used to flavor pumpkin pie. This spice blend combined cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, and cloves.

The person credited with bringing the idea to Starbucks headquarters was Peter Dukes. Dukes was the head of a team that created seasonal drinks for Starbucks. His team’s other creations include the eggnog latte and the peppermint mocha.

Dukes says that his team was inspired when they realized that despite the lovely taste of pumpkin spice, there wasn’t anything on the market that was pumpkin flavored. So Dukes and his team decided to capitalize on what they perceived as an untapped market.

Since its release in 2003, Starbucks has sold more than 424 million pumpkin spice lattes in the United States alone. This drink became a cultural icon as the go-to symbol for the Fall season, inspiring pumpkin spice versions of anything from pumpkin spice scented candles to pumpkin spice flavored cereal.

The pumpkin spice latte that debuted in 2003 was a little different than the one we have today. The original pumpkin spice latte surprisingly did not contain any pumpkin. Instead, its trademark orange flavor was created using artificial coloring.

It wasn’t until 2015 that Starbucks edited the recipe to include pumpkin and remove the food coloring. But, according to reports from the time, the taste difference was almost imperceptible, and the change was served only to appease those complaining that the drink contained no pumpkin.

Pumpkin Spice Lattes vs. Other Popular Fall Drinks

Pumpkin spice latte in a glass mug

Despite clearly being the star of the show, the pumpkin spice latte is not the only drink Starbucks begins to offer in the fall season. Let’s go through a few drinks made available for sale in the fall season to ensure you don’t miss out.

Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

First off, they also offer the refreshing pumpkin cream cold brew. This drink combines Starbucks’ popular cold brew with vanilla-flavored syrup and tops it with a pumpkin cream cold foam made with real pumpkin. The drink is then dusted with their signature pumpkin spice.

Apple Crisp Macchiato

Next up is the apple crisp macchiato. The apple crisp macchiato attempts to get you in the autumn spirit by serving you an apple pie in a cup. This drink combines espresso and steamed milk with apple and brown sugar flavors and then tops it all off with a caramelized spiced apple drizzle.

Best of all, this drink is available both hot and iced, meaning apple pie lovers of all tastes can enjoy the apple crisp macchiato.

Baked Goods

Additionally, once the fall season rolls around, Starbucks doesn’t only add things to their drink menu. They also add a couple of new food items, including the pumpkin scone and the pumpkin cream cheese muffin. These are exactly what they sound like.

They take the traditional bakery items available at Starbucks and add that nice pumpkin flavor. So, these options are available if you’d rather eat your pumpkin than drink it (or maybe just double dip on the pumpkin flavor).

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