How Long Should You Avoid Coffee After Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

Wisdom teeth are typically found at the back of everyone’s mouth. However, due to lack of space, they may only partially emerge or develop at an odd angle, which often results in the need to have them surgically removed. After the surgery, there’re some foods that you should avoid to help with the healing process, and coffee is one of them. 

It’s best to wait for at least five days before drinking coffee after wisdom teeth surgery, assuming that your recovery and healing process goes well. Be sure to drink small quantities in the beginning. After two weeks, you can return to your normal coffee consumption.

After wisdom teeth surgery, it’s essential to maintain proper nutrition since it aids in the recovery, helps reduce swelling, and minimizes the risk of complications. Let’s look at how long should you wait before having coffee and what should you do to support proper healing.  

Is It Safe to Drink Coffee After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? 

Young smiling woman drinking coffee in the morning

Dentists and oral surgeons recommend avoiding coffee immediately after wisdom teeth removal. This is because a blood clot forms over the hole in the gum that results from the removal. The clot helps support the healing process by protecting the opening from bacteria.  

The term ‘blood clot’ conjures up a pretty unpleasant image in our minds. But the formation of a blood clot is essential after tooth extraction, as it speeds up the healing process. 

The absence of a blood clot over the gum can cause a dry socket, which can lead to a bad taste in your mouth, discomfort, and considerable pain. Drinking hot coffee immediately after tooth removal can increase the risk of a dry socket, that’s why it’s best to stay away from coffee for some days.

If you carefully follow the post-op instructions of your dentist, you’ll be able to drink small amounts of your favorite brew after five days of your tooth extraction. It’ll take almost two weeks for your mouth to heal fully, after which you’ll be able to drink coffee normally.

However, if you experience any swelling, discomfort, soreness, or any other problem, be sure to contact your dentist right away.     

What About Iced Coffee? 

If you absolutely can’t go without coffee, then having an iced coffee could be a suitable alternative. However, make sure that there’re no ice splinters in it, as they can knock off the blood clot from the empty socket. It’s also better to wait for at least 48 hours after surgery.

It’s vital to stay hydrated after oral surgery since it helps avoid the dry socket and ensures proper healing. Make sure that you drink lots of water. Although you should avoid hot coffee, there are plenty of cold beverages that you can enjoy after extraction:

  • Water: This is the best drink after having tooth surgery, as it not only keeps you hydrated but also flushes food debris away from the extraction site. 
  • Milk: Milk is nutritious and a great source of calcium. Instead of drinking coffee, you can switch to milk, as it has the added benefit of keeping your teeth strong. 
  • Smoothies: If you’re eating less after your tooth surgery, then having a smoothie will help you get all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs.

    Make sure to avoid a drink made from fruits with small seeds, such as strawberries and blackberries, as they can get stuck in your gum hole and cause complications. 
  • Sports Drinks: You can also take non-carbonated sports drinks after wisdom teeth extraction, as they hydrate effectively. However, remember to brush your teeth after having a sports drink since they usually have a very high sugar content.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid using straws in your drinks after tooth surgery. It’s best to take small sips from a wide-lipped mug, as the suction from the straw could remove the blood clot.

What Else Should You Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Surgery? 

Tooth extraction in a white man

As you heal from your surgery, there are a few things that you should avoid in order to protect yourself from any discomfort, pain, or infection. Here are some essential tips:

  • Eat soft foods like applesauce or yogurt during the first 24 hours. You can also eat foods like cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, pasta, soup, and refried beans once you feel you can handle them. 
  • Avoid chewy, hard, spicy, or hot foods that may get stuck in your gum and cause irritation. 
  • Don’t use tobacco, drink alcohol, or drink through a straw after wisdom tooth surgery for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid any strenuous exercise for a couple of days as it diverts the blood from the extraction site.
  • Don’t rinse your mouth for 24 hours after tooth extraction. After that, use salt water to gently rinse your mouth.
  • Stay away from citrus and acidic foods as they can cause stinging at the extraction site and lead to discomfort and pain. 
  • Be sure to take any medicine prescribed by your dentist. 

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