Most of us can’t function properly without a morning cup of joe. But that doesn’t mean it’s the perfect option for your pet. If your cat has started taking more than a passing interest in your coffee, then you’ve come to the right place.
Drinking a few drops of coffee isn’t going to harm your cat. However, coffee contains high levels of caffeine and magnesium, which are harmful to cats. Exposure to large quantities of caffeine can severely damage your feline’s heart and nervous system.
Cats are curious and mischievous by nature. They’re also attracted to strong smells, which is why you might have seen them peering into your coffee mug or tasting the remains of your last brew. Let’s look at how drinking coffee can affect your feline pet, and whether you should you be worried if it ingests a considerable amount.
Is Coffee Dangerous for Cats?

Your cat will surely be tempted to sniff or lick a few drops of your coffee, especially if you’ve accidentally spilled some that has cream or milk in it. But coffee is actually quite dangerous for cats.
Coffee contains a chemical called methylxanthine, which is typically used in tablets or drinks as a stimulant. When taken in small doses, this chemical helps you feel more alert and provides an energy boost. However, it should not be taken in high quantities as it can produce many adverse effects.
Compared to humans, cats are more likely to feel the effects of caffeine. Drinking small quantities of coffee can give them an upset stomach or lots of nervous energy, while having coffee in large amounts can result in serious symptoms like seizures and heart issues.
The only drink that your cat needs to stay hydrated is water. Other beverages like carbonated drinks, coffee, or tea aren’t suitable for them. Cats not only find it difficult to digest the substances present in these drinks, but they also won’t get any health benefits from them.
How Much Coffee Will Hurt a Cat?
Your cat isn’t going to feel any discomfort if it takes a sip of coffee every now and then. However, if it drinks a whole cup, then It’s going to become quite problematic. That said, most cats don’t like the bitter taste of coffee and are unlikely to drink such a large quantity.
According to the Pet Poison Helpline, having one or two licks of coffee is unlikely to harm your cat. Caffeine poisoning typically happens due to more concentrated forms of caffeine such as caffeine tablets, tea bags, and coffee grounds.
Another thing to remember is that each type of coffee has a different level of caffeine. For instance, espresso may cause more harm than a latte. Similarly, decaffeinated coffee is less likely to cause problems in cats. The level of toxicity also depends on the amount of coffee consumed by your cat.
An average cup of coffee contains almost 95 mg of caffeine. This means that if a cat weighing 10 pounds drank 10 cups of coffee, the repercussions could be fatal.
If you aren’t sure about the quantity of coffee consumed by your cat, then the best thing is to contact your veterinarian and ask for advice, especially if your pet starts showing signs of ill health.
Do Cats Like the Taste of Coffee?
Most cats don’t like the taste of coffee. However, it’s interesting to note that each cat has a different personality. Their likes and dislikes differ significantly from cat to cat. There have been accounts of cats cuddling with coffee beans or rolling in coffee grounds, but cats aren’t usually interested in coffee.
Also, cats can’t taste sweetness, so it’s not the sugar in your coffee that’s making it more appealing to your cat, it’s probably the additives like cream, milk, or creamer. If you use whole cream in your coffee, be sure to keep an eye on your cat because whole cream can look like an especially tempting treat floating on top of your cup.
Here it would be amiss not to mention the oldest cat ever. According to the Guinness World Records, Creme Puff lived for 38 years and 3 days. You’ll be surprised to hear that her diet included dry cat food along with turkey bacon, broccoli, eggs, and — you guessed it — coffee with cream. Her owner says the secret to her long life was her diet. We can’t confirm that.
What Happens if a Cat Drinks Coffee?
Unsweetened black coffee contains potassium and magnesium, which are actually good for cats. It’s the caffeine content found in coffee that has high levels of life-threatening toxicity for your cat.
If your cat drinks a considerable amount of coffee, then you’re likely to see the adverse effects of caffeine within a couple of hours of ingestion. These symptoms include:
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Seizures
- Hyperexcitability (becoming more alert and active)
- Tremoring
- Cardiac arrhythmias (missing or skipping a heartbeat, an abnormal heart rate)
- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)
- Elevated blood pressure and body temperature
- Collapse
- Death
These symptoms greatly depend on the coffee’s caffeine level and how much your cat drank. There are some other products that have a high level of caffeine and are dangerous to cats.
These include loose tea or tea bags, discarded coffee grounds, caffeinated sodas, whole coffee beans, energy drinks, and some diet pills.
Your cat may also experience an upset stomach due to the dairy content in a latte or a particularly milky coffee. Most cats are lactose intolerant, which means that they’re unable to digest the natural sugars present in milk.
What to Do if Your Cat Drinks Coffee
If you believe that your cat has had more than a few sips of coffee, then you should immediately alert your vet. Caffeine ingestion isn’t something that should be taken lightly, and neglecting it or postponing the trip to the vet could result in some dire consequences.
The most likely scenario is that your cat doesn’t like the scent of coffee beans, grounds, or instant coffee powder. But it loves milk and has seen you add some into your drink. This might tempt your cat to take a sip or two when you’re not looking.
Whatever the reason, if your cat drinks coffee, you should seek immediate medical help. Otherwise, there might be some serious consequences for your pet.
When to Take Your Cat to the Vet

If your cat has only had a few licks of coffee, then it’s possible that your vet will ask you to monitor your pet at home, especially if it’s not showing any dangerous signs of caffeine toxicity.
However, if your cat has had quite a large amount of coffee, then you should immediately take it to the vet. There, your cat will be examined and thoroughly assessed for any sign of tremors and twitching or cardiac abnormalities. In case the vet is seriously concerned about the condition of your pet, he might even keep it overnight in the hospital for observation.
Sometimes the vet will try to induce vomiting in your cat with the help of an injection to remove the coffee from their system, while in some cases, they might flush out their stomachs under anesthetic.
This will reduce the risk of toxicity and prevent your pet from absorbing any more caffeine. Your vet may also prescribe charcoal to help your pet digest the caffeine to prevent any issues.
If the signs of caffeine poisoning are already evident, then your cat will need plenty of fluids. Your vet will give these fluids intravenously via a drip to keep your cat hydrated and speed up the caffeine’s metabolism. This will help your pet to urinate frequently and get rid of the caffeine quickly.
Your vet may also order some blood tests to ascertain the health status of your cat and look for other underlying problems. In case of seizures or cardiac issues, your vet will prescribe medication to counteract this. If your cat is very sick, then it might need to be hospitalized for a few days.