Should You Be Drinking Pine Needle Tea? Here’s What To Know

Pine needle tea is an herbal drink made from — you guessed it — pine needles. It’s been a vital medicinal tool belonging to indigenous cultures for hundreds of years. But what are its benefits, and should you be drinking it too?

Pine needle tea may help improve vision, cure respiratory disorders, and improve heart health. It’s rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and C, and it can help with weight management. There are several varieties of toxic pine needles, though, so be careful which type you consume. 

Although there’s limited formal research on the subject of pine needle tea, it’s hard to ignore the anecdotal evidence of its benefits. Let’s take a closer look at the tea and how it can have a positive effect on your mental and physical health. We’ll also go over which types of pine needles are safe to drink and the proper way to brew this tea.

What Is Pine Needle Tea?

Pine needle tea in a cup on a white textured background

In North America, pine needle tea is made from the leaves of the eastern white pine tree (Pinus strobus). Native to eastern North America, these trees can reach up to a height of 55 meters (180 feet). Their leaves are flexible, green, and needle-like, and they grow five to a bundle, forming clusters that look like giant fan brushes.  

To make pine needle tea, the leaves of the eastern white pine tree are harvested and then soaked in water for a day before they are cleaned, rinsed, and trimmed by workers.

Lastly, they are dried in a shaded area before the tea is packed and shipped out.

Other varieties of pine needle tea popular in Asia are made from the leaves of the Korean red pine or the Manchurian red pine.

Pine needle tea has a prominent herbaceous taste with undertones similar to peppermint tea. Regular drinking is recommended to enjoy the full benefits of this herbal tea.

What Are the Health Benefits of Pine Needle Tea?

Although there hasn’t been much research on the benefits of pine needle tea, it’s been used in Asian and North American cultures for centuries. The following are some of the purported health benefits of this amazing tea:

Rich in Vitamin C  

It’s commonly believed that pine needle tea contains high levels of vitamin C, making it a great remedy for scurvy. 

The high concentration of vitamin C in this tea can provide relief from conditions like varicose veins, heart disease, fatigue, and skin complaints.

The vitamin C in pine needle tea can also help boost immunity. Your body’s immune system is the most critical line of defense against numerous pathogens, harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. 

Helps Improve Vision

Pine needle tea also contains vitamin A, which, together with vitamin C, may help improve vision health. Vitamin C provides outstanding antioxidant protection against normal pollutants, which makes it good for aging eyes, while vitamin A plays a positive role in maintaining a clear cornea. 

In addition, vitamin A helps support rhodopsin, a protein found in the eyes that makes it easier to see in low-light conditions.

Cure Respiratory Conditions

Often used by indigenous cultures to treat respiratory conditions, pine needle tea is also known for its decongestant and expectorant qualities. It can be used to relieve chest congestion and sore throats, and as an expectorant for coughs. 

Helps in Weight Loss

According to research, pine needle tea can also aid in weight loss. A Korean study on overweight humans and rats showed that pine needle extract can reduce visceral fat mass and slow down weight gain.    

Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants can be very helpful in fighting chronic conditions, free radicals, and diseases. According to research, water extracted from pine needles has shown high levels of DNA-protective properties and antioxidants. 

The antioxidant properties of pine needle tea can work as an immune booster to protect you from infections and diseases.    

Excellent Alternative to Sugary Soft Drinks

Pine needle tea contains very few calories, making it an excellent drink for people looking to cut down their calorie intake. An average serving of pine needle tea contains only around two calories. It not only acts as a perfect alternative to fatty soft drinks but can also help boost the metabolism of fat cells. 

Metabolism refers to the process that allows your body to change food into energy. Regularly drinking pine needle tea can help your body burn fat quickly and more efficiently.

Improves Heart Health

Pine needle tea is also quite beneficial for your heart. Research shows that this tea can provide effective protection against oxidation, a condition that is dangerous for your cardiovascular health. 

The strong anti-inflammatory properties of pine needle tea can further minimize any damage to your heart caused by pollutants or other factors.  

Can Slow Down the Aging Process

Pine needle tea was typically consumed by Taoist priests as they believed that it was the secret to their long life.

Helps Improve Cognitive Functions

The effect of this tea on neurodegenerative diseases has been studied extensively, and early results show favorable results. A recent animal study shows that this tea can be quite effective against amnesia or memory impairment. The antioxidants in this tea can also help improve memory, promote mental clarity, and repair neural connections.  

How to Make Pine Needle Tea

The process of making your own pine needle tea is very simple and requires very few steps.


  • 1 handful of fresh pine needles
  • 1 cup filtered water


  1. First, purchase or collect fresh pine needles. You’ll need just a small handful to brew a strong cup of tea.
  2. Remove the brown ends and chop the needles into ¼-inch chunks.
  3. Boil water in a pot or tea kettle and add in the pine needles.
  4. Use a lid to cover the pot, and allow the pine needles to steep for at least 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the pot from heat while keeping it covered. Allow it to steep for a few minutes.
  6. Your tea is now ready. Use a strainer to sieve the tea into a cup and enjoy!

Avoid using pine needles that are brown or yellow in color. Always make tea with pine needles that are a vibrant green color as they are fresh and have a better and more pleasant taste.

What Type of Pine Needles Are Safe to Use?

Pine needles that belong to the ‘Pinaceae’ pine tree family are considered safe for consumption. These include Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi), eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), and white pine (Pinus monticola).

If you prefer not to use fresh pine needles, you can also purchase ready-to-use tea bags, like these ones (on Amazon).

What Types of Pine Needles Are Toxic?

It’s vital to note that not all types of pine needles are safe to drink. There are almost 20 types of toxic pine trees. That’s why it’s best to do proper research or get pine needles from a natural medicine practitioner or trained herbalist. 

Some well-known toxic pine trees include: 

  • Lodgepole or Shore Pine
  • Ponderosa pine (also known as Bull, Western Yellow, Blackjack, and Yellow Pine)
  • Monterey Cypress
  • Common Juniper
  • Australian Pine
  • Balsam Fir
  • Norfolk Island Pine 

The Possible Side Effects

Pine needle tea in a cup

Drinking herbal tea during pregnancy can result in complications. If you’re an expectant mother, then it’s best to avoid pine needle tea. This is also applicable while breastfeeding as it may negatively affect milk supply. 

There are quite a few varieties of toxic pine trees that can cause the following side effects when used as a drink. These include: 

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Inflamed patches on the skin
  • Irritation in the throat

Pine oil is released when you brew pine needles. This may have inflammatory effects on the stomach and skin and can even cause an upset stomach in some people. 

If you experience any of the above issues, be sure to seek medical consultation. Don’t take risks with your health and always buy pine needle tea from a safe and reliable source.  

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