Is Peppermint Tea Caffeinated (And What Are The Benefits)?

Peppermint has long been used to flavor things like candies and breath mints, but most recently, it has made its way into teas not just for its health benefits but also because of its refreshing and minty flavor. But if you’re trying to limit your caffeine intake, you might be worried about consuming peppermint tea.

Peppermint tea doesn’t contain any caffeine, and thanks to its soothing properties, it can help you get a good night’s sleep. It also has additional benefits: it improves memory and digestion, boosts mood, helps soothe cramps and cold symptoms, reduces stress, and helps deal with headaches.  

You can brew peppermint tea on its own to enjoy a soothing and stimulating concoction or combine it with other caffeinated blends to enjoy some great benefits. Let’s take a closer look at all the benefits you can get with a steaming cup of peppermint tea. 

Is Peppermint Tea Caffeinated?

Peppermint tea in a Cup and saucer on the table

Peppermint is caffeine-free, and so are the herbal blends that contain peppermint. However, if you add peppermint to some other tea, like green tea or black tea, it’ll contain some caffeine, depending on the tea you use.

Will Peppermint Tea Make You Sleepy?

Peppermint tea is not just caffeine-free but also contains relaxing and soothing properties that can help you get a good night’s sleep. It can also help you digest dinner and even make you relax before your bedtime. 

However, there’s no solid evidence claiming that peppermint can enhance sleep. Still, a study involving cancer patients that inhaled three drops of peppermint oil every day for a week experienced improved quality of sleep. 

What are the Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea? 

Steeping peppermint leaves in water releases essential oils that give the tea its flavor and provides many benefits. In addition to being antimicrobial and antiviral, peppermint also has other benefits, including the following:

Improves Memory

Research shows that peppermint can enhance cognitive function and memory, including retaining and recalling contents. It also increases focus, energy, and alertness, making it easy to improve mental fitness. 

Boosts Energy

A hot cup of peppermint tea can also negate laziness and sluggishness and boost energy and alertness by stimulating brain parts responsible for alertness. As a result, you enjoy increased attention and focus. 

It also doesn’t contain stimulants or caffeine, so you don’t experience any adverse side effects or worry about staying up all night. Instead, it increases relaxation and balances your mood. 

You can also get a boost of energy from peppermint without the subsequent crash that’s often associated with energy drinks and coffee. 

Helps with Stomach Problems

Herbal Tea

Had a heavy meal, or dealing with an upset stomach? Some peppermint tea can help soothe it. In addition, it can reduce bloating and abdominal pain and make symptoms of IBS and indigestion more bearable.  

Research also shows peppermint relaxes the gastrointestinal system, which can reduce bleeding and painful cramps during your periods. In addition, its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help soothe pain and reduce muscle cramping.

Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants in mint help reduce the free radicals in the body and improve cellular health. They also help prevent cancer and other diseases. 

Helps Combat Stress

According to studies, peppermint can help decrease frustration and anxiety and is a great way to soothe your nerves. It can also help with the fatigue that’s often linked to prolonged stress. And since it increases alertness and energy, it’s a soothing stress-combatting alternative to alcohol or sedatives.

Reduces Headache Pain

Peppermint’s pain-reducing abilities can also help ease the pain associated with migraines and tension headaches. In addition, the menthol in peppermint oil provides a cooling sensation and increases blood flow, which helps reduce pain.

It can also soothe stress and increase hydration, which ultimately helps fight the effects of a headache.

Eases Cold Symptoms 

Studies show that peppermint can soothe sore throats and ease cold symptoms. In addition, it has antiviral properties and can clear congestion, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. 

Plus, the menthol in the leaves is an effective decongestant and helps relieve coughs, sore throats, and stuffy noses caused by allergies or colds. So, when you pair peppermint tea with honey, you have a soothing drink that can make you feel better in no time.

Improves Digestion

People have been using peppermint for numerous digestive problems like bloating, gas, and nausea. Of course, more research is needed to confirm if these benefits pertain to peppermint leaves, but studies suggest that peppermint oil can improve symptoms of IBS. 

Freshens Breath

Peppermint is commonly used as a flavoring in chewing gums, toothpaste, and mouthwashes, and there’s a reason for that. It has a pleasant smell and antibacterial properties that can kill germs responsible for dental plaque. As a result, it can freshen your breath. 

Of course, there’s no scientific evidence that peppermint tea has the same effect, but research suggests peppermint compounds can improve breath. 

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