Soursop Tea: What Is It And What Are The Benefits?

Soursop is becoming increasingly popular with the natural health care community. The fruit boasts extraordinary claims about its nutritional qualities and ability to heal potentially life-threatening diseases.

Soursop is the most common name for the fruit of the Annona Muricata tree. The tree grows in tropical and subtropical regions; soursop has a long history in traditional medicine. It is high in essential nutrients and contains acetogenins. It may be cytotoxic and combat cancer.

Those are bold claims. Although there is no concrete confirmation, the claims are not conclusively refuted. Indeed, it is worth further investigation. Should this tropical fruit combat cancer, it could lead to life-saving medical breakthroughs. So let’s take a closer look at soursop, specifically soursop tea.

What is Soursop Tea?

Medicinal soursop tea

Soursop tea is made from the leaves of the soursop tree. The resulting tea drink is more concentrated than the same volume of soursop.

Sometimes the soursop tea is blended with traditional tea, in which case there will be some caffeine content. There are various recipes for soursop tea, some of which include the addition of the soursop fruit.

Because more study is needed, it is difficult to confirm the exact chemical makeup of soursop tea. However, scientific studies have demonstrated the fruit is rich in vitamin C and various chemicals with rare and potentially beneficial effects related to cancer treatment.

Does Soursop Tea Make You Sleepy? 

There is some evidence to suggest that soursop tea has the potential to make you sleepy. This is because many cultures use the soursop tree leaves as a traditional calming agent. 

Its effects compare to a mild sleeping aid. In the Antilles, the leaves get boiled to create a tea that enhances sleep, according to the locals.

Naturally, blending the tea with more conventional teas made from Camellia Sinensis counteracts any calming or sleep-related effects by introducing caffeine. 

What are the Benefits of Soursop Tea?

The benefits of soursop tea are similar to the purported benefits of soursop fruit. Many of the benefits are commonly associated with fruits. To explore most of the confirmed health benefits of soursop tea, we have to look at the benefits of vitamin C.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is commonly used to treat colds. It is a culturally engrained “wisdom” that high doses prevent colds and flu. Unfortunately, no evidence suggests vitamin C effectively treats or prevents the common cold. However, any boost to the immune system may help, including more than just a vitamin C boost. 

Chronic overuse of vitamin C may eventually lead to fatal renal failure, but it is rare. That said, vitamin C is healthy, and there is no harm in taking extra doses as long as you stay below the toxicity range of around 2,000 mg daily. 

An honest nutritionist may point out that even higher doses likely only present a risk of diarrhea and nausea. But, for the most part, vitamin C is an innocuous, essential nutrient that plays several crucial roles in nutritional health. 


One crucial role of vitamin C is as a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, helps protect cells from dangerous free radicals. Various scientific studies show that an imbalance between free radicals increases cancer risk.

Interesting Fact: Free radicals get touted as toxic metabolic chemicals. The truth is that free radicals form part of a balanced environment for cell health. Therefore, they are both toxic and beneficial when kept in balance.

If this balance is disturbed, the health implications can lead to oxidative stress. That, in turn, creates the ideal environment for diseases like cancer and arthritis. 


Collagen is more than just a cosmetic filler. It is essential for skin, hair, and nail health. Vitamin C is critical to the creation of collagen. 

Arterial, Heart, and Bone Health

Iron is the first essential nutrient that comes to mind regarding arteries and the heart. Likewise, calcium is the mineral most closely associated with bone health. 

In truth, vitamin C may be more important to arterial, heart, and bone health than iron or calcium. It prevents bad cholesterol from building up in the form of arterial plaque, which causes strokes and heart disease.

Vitamin C’s role in producing collagen makes it essential to bone growth. Collagen forms the substructures on which bone mineralization occurs. 

Potentially Antibiotic and Antimicrobial

Although more study is required, some reports claim that soursop tea may possess antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. In addition, the reports suggest that the effects are primarily beneficial to dental health. 

High in Essential Nutrients

In addition to vitamin C, soursop tea is high in a range of essential nutrients, including:

  • Vitamin B1: Thiamine is necessary for nerve health.
  • Vitamin B2: Riboflavin helps combat oxidative stress and prevent inflammation that damages the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B3: Niacin is responsible for nervous system health, proper metabolism, and oxidation protection.
  • Vitamin B9: Folate is responsible for cell health, red blood cell formation, and cell growth. Folate is crucial in fetal development during pregnancy.
  • Calcium is vital in bone health. It also plays a significant role in blood clotting, muscular function, and maintaining a healthy heart rate.
  • Iron is a major component in hemoglobin, transferring oxygen throughout the body. Without iron, the body will suffocate.
  • Potassium is an electrolyte, and along with sodium, it helps regulate the fluid balance inside and outside of cells. Potassium is also critical in transmitting signals to muscles and healthy blood pressure.
  • Magnesium plays an essential role in producing energy and supports healthy nerve function.
  • Phosphorous is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Furthermore, it supports cell membrane health, helps activate certain enzymes, and helps balance pH in the body.
  • Zinc is needed for enzymes to perform critical chemical and metabolic reactions. In addition, the trace element is essential for the formation of DNA, protein folding, healing tissue, a healthy immune system, and cell growth.

Potential Cytotoxicity

All current chemical cancer treatments are based on natural chemical reactions, often found in natural organic reactions. Treatments like chemotherapy are cytotoxic. There are claims that soursop is cytotoxic, but more research is needed. 

Summary of the Benefits of Soursop

There is a relationship between the incredibly high levels of antioxidants, acetogenins, and plausible cytotoxicity. That is likely responsible for the potential cancer-combatting properties of the soursop fruit and tea. 

Additionally, the nutritional value found in soursop makes it a great source of crucial vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is a source of proteins and healthy fats.

Potential Health Risks of Soursop

Alarmingly, soursop may produce symptoms similar to those of Parkinson’s disease. Should you experience a sudden loss of balance, tremors, muscle rigidity, speech impairment, or any other signs of Parkinson’s, discontinue soursop tea immediately and consult your GP. 

Furthermore, evidence suggests that soursop may interact with diabetes and blood pressure treatments. In either case, avoid soursop and any associated products. Also, soursop seeds are highly toxic.

When Should You Drink Soursop Tea?

Green Soursop leaves and tea, isolated on white background

Soursop may cause drowsiness. That applies to both the fruit and the tea. 

Many cultures use it as a sedative, anti-anxiety medication, and sleeping aid. Therefore it is best you only drink soursop tea before bedtime. Likewise, you shouldn’t drink the tea before driving, operating heavy machinery, or engaging in strenuous physical activity. 

The calming effects of soursop become more effective as they form part of your nightly sleeping routine. Therefore, you best discontinue the tea if you experience severe or extended fatigue. 

Is Soursop FDA Approved?

Neither the soursop fruit nor products made from the soursop plant are FDA-approved. In addition, soursop may not be suitable for children, thanks to its potential cytotoxicity. Finally, the long-term effects of drinking soursop tea are as yet unknown. 

The consensus in the medical and nutritional fields is mixed. Many professionals believe the soursop plant requires further scientific study before it gets recommended as fit for human consumption. 

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