Iaso Tea: The Top Reviews And What You Should Know

If you’re a health-conscious person, you might have heard about Iaso Tea. Some claim it’s a magic weight loss formula that boosts your metabolism. But what does the science say? Does Iaso Tea actually work?

According to most reviews, Iaso Tea does help you lose weight by reducing your appetite and helping you lose water mass. However, most other benefits Iaso Tea manufacturers claim are exaggerated. The scientific stance on detox formulas is also unclear. 

Let’s explore what Isao Tea is in detail, how it works, and whether it has any health benefits, as claimed by the manufacturers. 

What is Iaso Tea?

Close up of Laso Tea Bag

Iaso Tea is a diet product manufactured by Total Life Changes (TLC). TLC is a US-based company that produces products claimed to be nutritious and part of a supposedly healthy lifestyle. 

The company produces four teas; the Iaso Tea Original and Iaso Tea Instant are claimed to be effective for detoxification and weight loss. 

The Iaso Tea Original contains well-known ingredients for different health benefits (the scientific proof of these is a different matter). According to the website of TLC, Iaso Tea contains the following ingredients: persimmon leaves, Holy Thistle, Malva leaves, Carica Papaya, Myrrh, chamomile, and ginger. 

Let’s look at these ingredients and their benefits in detail: 

Persimmon Leaves

The fruit persimmon is popular for its health benefits, and it turns out that persimmon leaves also have benefits related to reducing hypertension and cholesterol. However, while these leaves have nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, and fiber and can help with digestion, there is no significant scientific proof to prove that they help reduce weight.  

Nevertheless, they may help boost your immune system and contribute to the light feeling you get after drinking Iaso Tea. 

Holy Thistle

While traditionally, this plant has been known as suitable for treating indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea, bacterial infections, and colds, there is little to no scientific support for these claims. However, it’s not harmful; many traditional doctors still use it to cure specific ailments. 

Malva Leaves

Malva leaves are often used as a traditional herb to treat inflammation; some claim they can help cure cancer. 

However, according to an article published in the National Library of Medicine, Malva leaves “have been reported to have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-complementary, anti-cancer, and skin tissue integrity activity.” 

Carica Papaya

There have been claims about this ingredient having effective anti-aging and anti-obesity properties. Research supports the fruit having antioxidants and calls for more research about other effects.


Myrrh contains anti-cancer elements and has anti-inflammatory effects, according to an article published in the National Library of Medicine. So, this ingredient does give a natural boost to Iaso Tea, but can it help with weight loss? 


Chamomile is well-known for its effectiveness against insomnia. Scientific research has found evidence that it positively impacts people suffering from conditions like cancer, diabetes, hemorrhoids, osteoporosis, and gastrointestinal conditions, but it calls for further research. 

However, an overdose of chamomile can cause other problems, so avoid drinking higher doses of Iaso Tea than recommended. 


Research proves that ginger does have many of the medicinal benefits it’s traditionally believed to have. For example, ginger can help treat nausea, colon cancer, inflammation, cholesterol reduction, and pain alleviation. 

However, even though Iaso Tea contains ginger, many other health products do, so this isn’t really the “secret” ingredient that helps with weight loss. 

Is Iaso Tea Effective?


By now, you have an idea of the benefits of the ingredients of Iaso Tea and the extent of scientific support for their effectiveness. What you now need to understand is this process of “detoxing” and “detoxification” that people seem to be all hyped about. 

Detoxing is restricting your diet to help your body’s system “cleanse” itself. Detox diets are usually recommended for people suffering from an illness caused by consistently eating unhealthy foods. 

However, many health products that claim to have a detoxing benefit have been released recently. Some products, like Iaso Tea, are thought to be effective at removing toxins from your body. Some also claim that Iaso Tea is effective at weight loss, reducing appetite, and can help with inflammation, amongst other benefits. 

But how much of this is accurate, and is Iaso Tea really as effective as many claims? 

In terms of weight loss benefits, Iaso Tea has mixed reviews. Yes, certain ingredients help reduce appetite, which can help you lose weight in the long run. However, a decreased appetite doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll lose weight. 

Iaso Tea can also help you lose water weight, which can help you lose a few pounds in the short term. However, as you rehydrate, you’ll soon regain the water weight, which isn’t considered “weight loss.” 

The anti-inflammatory properties of some ingredients in Iaso Tea are also effective at improving your overall health, but this doesn’t directly relate to weight loss. You may feel lighter and more energetic, but you’ll still weigh the same! 

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try Iaso Tea out or that this product has no benefits. If you drink it regularly, you’ll soon get the benefits after weeks or even months. How much you benefit from Iaso Tea depends on your lifestyle and diet. There’s no point in drinking Iaso Tea or other health supplements if you don’t eat healthily and exercise regularly. 

Also, you’ll notice that while many people see signs of improvement in their health after consuming Iaso Tea, the benefits aren’t as exaggerated as the manufacturer claims.

What are People Saying About Iaso Tea?

There are mixed reviews on Iaso Tea. Some claim that it gives them a boost and helps with weight loss, while others see no noticeable difference after taking it regularly. So, what do experts say? 

Most experts believe that while there are some health benefits to supplements and detox products like Iaso Tea, the benefits aren’t what they are advertised to be. For example, Iaso Tea contains several ingredients with proven health benefits, but none can be directly attributed to weight loss results. 

It’s also important to consider that Iaso Tea is beneficial in the short term, but this can’t be regarded as concrete evidence of its overall effectiveness. For instance, if Iaso Tea helps you lose a couple of pounds in a week or two, this may be attributed to water loss caused by certain ingredients in the tea.

If you gain back these pounds as quickly as you lost them, it shows the tea was only a short-term fix. 

However, there have been reviews where people noticed long-term benefits after taking Iaso Tea and other detox supplements. Most claim that it helps reduce appetite, which can also help reduce cravings for junk food. 

These benefits are often due to a combination of factors, and you can’t credit Iaso Tea for the complete transformation. For example, if you’ve adopted a healthy diet and have started an exercise routine along with drinking Iaso Tea, it’s hard to tell whether your weight loss was because of the diet or the tea. 

So, while you can credit Iaso Tea with certain benefits, it’s not the only thing that will transform your health. You’ll have to adopt an overall healthy lifestyle to get the most out of Iaso Tea. 

What are the Top Benefits of Iaso Tea?

The main benefits of Iaso Tea are that it helps with digestion and can help clean your digestive system. This will, in turn, reduce stomach problems and help you control your appetite, which can result in long-term weight loss. 

Iaso tea also helps regulate your mood and can help relieve anxiety and mild depression. So if you’re stressed out and need to calm your nerves, this tea can help you significantly. Iaso Tea is also effective at helping with insomnia and other health issues. 

However, while you may feel a mental boost after taking Iaso Tea, it’s not a certified medication, so don’t use it as a substitute medicine for health problems. 

Also, always consult your doctor before taking Iaso Tea, especially if you have health problems. While there’s no harm in trying it out for health benefits, you’ll still need to follow a balanced lifestyle to reap the full benefits of Iaso Tea. 

What are the Most Common Complaints about Iaso Tea?

The most common complaint about Iaso Tea is that it’s not as effective as advertised. While some people feel calmer or lose a little weight after taking Iaso Tea, most of the health benefits are exaggerated. 

Also, Iaso Tea can cause dehydration, especially if you consume it regularly. This is because certain ingredients can cause your body to lose water, like black coffee. So, when adding Iaso Tea to your diet, you’ll have to drink more water to avoid dehydration. 

Lastly, unlike coffee and most teas, Iaso Tea doesn’t have a pleasant taste and is quite bitter. 

Who is Iaso Tea For?

Close focused image of an African American woman holding a cup of tea

Iaso tea is for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy diet. If you believe in the health benefits of the ingredients in Iaso Tea, you can add it to your diet. However, Iaso Tea will only provide a supporting role in maintaining your health. 

In short, you can take Iaso Tea if: 

  • You already eat healthily most of the time. 
  • You exercise regularly and hydrate properly.
  • You aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients in the tea. 
  • None of the ingredients interfere with medications that you may be taking. 

As long as you counter the dehydrating effects of this tea, you can take it without any side effects. If you find it helpful to your health, then there’s no harm in trying it out. 

Who Should Not Drink Iaso Tea?

Anyone suffering from a medical condition where dehydration can make the condition worse should avoid drinking Iaso Tea. In addition, these groups of individuals also shouldn’t drink Iaso Tea: 

  • Pregnant and lactating women. 
  • Underage (children under 18 years old shouldn’t drink Iaso Tea). 
  • People suffering from any health condition. You can still drink Iaso Tea if the health condition is mild, but only with your doctor’s permission. 

Avoid drinking if you’re allergic to any ingredients in Iaso Tea. 

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