Ever have one of those dreams where you can recall every detail, every moment of the dream that seemed to last forever? Maybe once or twice! If you want to experience more dreamy moments and remember them better, mugwort tea might be your dreamy elixir. So what is mugwort tea, and how does it affects our dreams?
Mugwort tea is an herbal infusion made from the leaves of the mugwort plant (Artemisia Vulgaris). Many cultures believe consuming mugwort tea promotes lucid dreaming and dream recall. It also helps with insomnia and other health benefits, such as improved digestion and circulation.
When centuries-old traditions are attached to a herb, it’s hard to ignore its potential. And Mugwort is definitely not something worth ignoring. People worldwide have used it for centuries to improve their dreams and help them recall details better. So before you start sipping mugwort tea, let’s break down what it is, why people drink it, and the potential risks.
What is Mugwort?

Mugwort tea (example on Amazon) is a common name for several species of flowering herbs native to Europe and Asia, but it can now be found growing in North America. Different places have different names for it (like silvery wormwood, Chinese Mugwort, aicao, and yomogi).
Many cultures have used Mugwort as a medicinal and spiritual plant for centuries. Chinese have used it in traditional medicine, Native Americans used it for its spiritual healing properties, and Medieval Europeans & Pagans used it to ward off evil and divination. Indian Ayurvedic medicine also uses Mugwort to treat stomach aches, muscle pain, and menstrual cramps.
Besides its spiritual and medicinal properties, Mugwort is also prized for its culinary uses. It has a bitter yet spicy flavor, making it a popular addition to salads, soups, and other dishes.
It’s also used as an ingredient in some beers and ales. Mugwort oil is popular for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including eczema,
Why Do People Drink Mugwort Tea?
Mugwort tea is a popular way to consume Mugwort, and it is said to have several benefits. For example, many people drink mugwort tea as an herbal remedy to aid digestion, treat colds, calm nerves, and reduce inflammation.
Its mild sedative and antispasmodic properties make it an excellent natural treatment for insomnia, headaches, and general aches and pains.
Mugwort is also an emmenagogue herb, which means it can stimulate pelvic blood flow. So it’s popular among women who suffer from painful periods or irregular menstrual cycles. Some even use it for ease during childbirth.
But perhaps a lesser-known use for Mugwort is its ability to enhance dream recall, also called oneirogenic properties. In other words, drinking mugwort tea can help you open the gates to the subconscious mind, making your dreams more vivid and memorable.
This can help you gain insight into yourself, explore the spiritual realm, and even have prophetic dreams.
Does Mugwort Tea Really Help You Remember Dreams?
The answer is yes, potentially! Since ancient times, Mugwort has been used to help awaken the third eye and increase dream consciousness. And many people still swear by the power of Mugwort to help them remember their dreams better.
In addition, Mugwort also helps people have lucid dreams—dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can influence the events taking place to some extent. Some even attribute the ability to commune with spirit guides and ancestors in dreams.
While no scientific evidence supports these claims, experts believe that Mugwort’s oil has mild sedative effects, which increase relaxation and help us become more open to our subconscious. In turn, we don’t get disturbed by internal or external stimuli during sleep and can better experience the dream world.
How to Make Mugwort Tea?
You can make mugwort tea with fresh or dried mugwort leaves.
To make a cup of tea, boil 1 cup of water and add one teaspoon of dried mugwort leaves. Let it steep for 5 minutes over low heat. Keep the lid on the pot to trap the Mugwort’s volatile oils. Strain the tea when it’s done, and enjoy your tea.
Mugwort tea can taste bitter for some people, so you can add some honey or other sweetener to make it more palatable. You can also pair it with other herbs like chamomile, ginkgo leaves, orange peel, or passion flower to make it more enjoyable and get additional benefits.
How Much Mugwort is Safe to Consume?
Mugwort is generally considered safe, but it’s still important to practice moderation. This is because it contains Thujone, a chemical compound that can be toxic in large doses.
Generally, it’s safe for adults to drink 1-3 cups of mugwort tea daily. But do not continue to drink mugwort tea for more than two weeks in a row.
Also, void drinking mugwort tea if you have a medical condition like thyroid, kidney, or liver disease, or take anticoagulants, as Mugwort can interfere with some medications. It’s also highly contraindicated for pregnant and nursing women due to the risk of uterine stimulations.
So, while Mugwort may have some health benefits, it’s essential to use it carefully and under the supervision of an expert herbalist or a healthcare professional.
What are the Risks of Taking Too Much Mugwort?

Mugwort is a potent herb, and taking too much can have adverse effects. Some side effects include nausea, dizziness, headaches, vertigo, irritability, confusion, or hallucinations. In extreme cases, drinking too much mugwort tea can cause convulsions, kidney damage, and dangerous drops in blood pressure.
Additionally, because Mugwort contains chemical compounds that mimic estrogen in the body, it can interfere with hormone-based birth control methods like the pill or patch.
It’s the same reason why pregnant and nursing women are advised to avoid Mugwort altogether.
Mugwort can also induce allergic reactions like rashes, itching, sinus congestion, and breathing difficulties. If you experience any of these symptoms after drinking mugwort tea, discontinue its use immediately.
To Conclude
At the end of the day, our decisions are based on our circumstances. If you decide to explore Mugwort’s potential for dream exploration, pay attention to your body’s signals and take appropriate precautions. So you can enjoy the full benefits of Mugwort tea without experiencing any unwanted side effects.