A Beginner’s Guide To Using A Coffee Maker

The automatic drip coffee maker is a staple of pretty much any household. However, many coffee beginners may not know how the machine works. Using an automatic drip coffee maker is actually extremely simple and can produce coffee in a matter of minutes.

To use a coffee maker, add a filter into the filter basket. Then put coffee grounds into the filter and water into the water tank in a ratio of ~2 tablespoons of coffee grounds for every 8 ounces of water. Then turn the coffee maker on, hit start if necessary, and it will start brewing.

Automatic drip coffee makers are convenient for people with tight morning routines, as you can just leave them alone during the brewing process. They also keep your coffee warm after brewing, so you can always come back for more. To help you take advantage of your coffee maker, let’s go into a little more detail on this process.

What Type of Coffee Maker Should You Use?

Making tasty coffee in the home kitchen

There are many different ways to make a simple cup of coffee, and looking at the sheer amount of them can be a little overwhelming, so let’s take a look at them all one by one to help you decide which one is right for you.

Automatic Drip

This is the most common coffee-making method in the US. If you’ve ever seen coffee made in a diner or a movie, chances are they were using an automatic drip coffee maker.

Using this coffee maker involves adding a filter, the correct ratio of coffee grounds and water, and then hitting the start button. This makes it a fantastic method for beginners.

If you’d like to get started with a drip coffee machine, our favorite is the Ninja CE251 Programmable Brewer (on Amazon).

French Press

This coffee maker is a little more involved. A French press brews coffee by actually letting the coffee grounds sit in hot water, as opposed to the automatic drip, which runs the water through the coffee grounds. This process will get you a more flavorful cup of coffee, but only if you’re willing to do the work.

Because a French press (on Amazon) soaks the grinds in the water, you’re also likely going to end up with some particles in your coffee, which may be a deal breaker for some people.

You’re also going to need to boil your own water to pour into the French press, something you don’t have to do with an automatic drip maker.

Moka Pot

The Moka pot is an impressive little piece of technology. It uses the heat of your stovetop to create enough pressure to run water through the coffee grounds you place above. This process makes a coffee with a sort of creamy texture.

This method will take longer than an automatic drip coffee maker, though, as you’re going to be boiling the water on your stovetop.

The Bialetti Moka Express (on Amazon) is a classic Moka pot option that’s durable and easy to use.

What Is an Automatic Drip Coffee Maker?

The automatic drip coffee maker is one of the most beginner-friendly coffee makers. It takes any temperature of the water and runs it through a heating tube to get it to a hot temperature.

It then runs the water through the coffee grounds you put in beforehand. Finally, the coffee goes through a coffee filter and drips down into the coffee pot below.

Another great aspect of a drip maker is that the coffee pot usually sits on top of a hot plate. This keeps your coffee warm for however long you leave the drip maker on. This makes it great for families who don’t all wake up at the same time.

How Do You Use an Automatic Drip Coffee Maker?

The best part of the automatic drip coffee maker is its ease of use. You simply put in a coffee filter, put your coffee grounds into the filter, add water, and then hit start. Let’s go into each of these steps with a little more detail to help you start your coffee-making journey.

1. Put in a Coffee Filter

Automatic drip coffee makers usually have two slots on top. One is a place for you to pour in the water, and the other is a basket for you to place a coffee filter. Which slot is where depends on the coffee maker, but the water slot is usually shaped so that you wouldn’t be able to fit the coffee filter in it without folding it a little.

There are a couple of different kinds of filters you can use, and they’re all good options. Paper filters are the most common. They’re single-use, meaning you want to throw them away after using them.

There are two kinds of paper filters: white bleached (on Amazon) and brown unbleached (also on Amazon). These will both filter the coffee the same, though the unbleached filters are a little more eco-friendly.

If you’re trying to limit the amount of trash you generate, there are also reusable coffee filters (on Amazon) you can buy. Some coffee makers even come with reusable filters. These you need to wash after every use. Some of them even have larger pores, so you can get that nice french press flavor without having to own a French press. Make sure you check that the reusable filter is compatible with your specific machine though.

2. Put Coffee Grounds into Your Filter

Next, you’ll need to put some coffee grounds into the filter you just put in the coffee maker. The key here is that you need to measure out the correct ratio of coffee to water.

For a regular cup of coffee, you’ll need to use about two tablespoons of coffee for every 8 ounces of water you use. For example, a standard coffee mug holds approximately 8 ounces of coffee, so if you’re making coffee for two people, you’d need 16 ounces of water and 4 tablespoons of coffee.

An important thing to remember is that this ratio is for a standard coffee blend. If you’re using some form of specialty coffee or Italian espresso, you may need to use a different ratio. This different ratio can usually be found on the packaging of the coffee.

3. Add Water

Again, the amount of water you add is going to be relative to the amount of coffee grounds you added. You should use 8 ounces of water for every two tablespoons of coffee, but know that every coffee pot, you need to dial it in, so start with 8oz per cup, and later you can consider if you need to add more or less to dial in your preference.

The important part is to find the water slot. On many people’s first attempt at using a coffee maker, it’s pretty standard for them to pour the water on the filter. This will not work.

Usually, the water slot is located right next to the filter tray. Sometimes the water slot will have fill markings on them, and sometimes the coffee pot will have them too. If not, you’ll have to measure out the water yourself. Once the water and coffee are both in the coffee maker, you should close the lid on both slots.

4. Plug in the Coffee Maker and Turn It On

Make sure the coffee maker is plugged in. After this, you’ll likely have to hit a button or flick a switch to turn it on. Some coffee makers will automatically start brewing once they’re on, and some will require you to set a timer first. Usually, brewing coffee in an automatic drip coffee maker takes around 5 minutes.

5. Pour and Enjoy!

After waiting for about 5 minutes, your coffee pot should be filled with precious liquid energy. You’re now free to pour it into your cup of choice and enjoy.

Remember that the hot plate underneath your coffee pot will keep it warm until you turn it off. This can sometimes make the coffee taste a little burnt, so don’t let it sit for too long, and remember to throw away your filter if you used a paper one.

How Many Cups of Coffee Can You Make With an Automatic Drip?

coffee maker and mug milk on a black dark background

The answer to this question depends on the coffee maker you buy. Most of them will come in one of three sizes: 10, 12, and 14 cup. Unfortunately, despite how straightforward these names seem, it’s not that simple.

Most coffee maker manufacturers consider around 4 ounces to be a “cup”, but the average coffee mug holds about 9 ounces. This means that the 10-cup coffee maker only really makes about 6 cups of coffee. The 12-cup coffee maker would make around 7 cups, and the 14-cup coffee maker would make around 8 cups.

These numbers are the maximum cups for these coffee makers, though. You can make any amount of coffee under those maximums, as long as you stick with the correct ratio of water to coffee.

Another Easy Coffee-Making Method

Although the automatic drip coffee maker is the recommended coffee maker for beginners, there is another coffee maker that’s even easier to use.

Pod coffee makers, such as the world-famous Keurig (on Amazon), are the easiest way to make coffee. Simply add water to the water tank, place a coffee pod inside, and hit start, and you’ll have a nice cup of joe in about a minute. You don’t even need to think about how much water you add, as the machine will do it for you.

Because these coffee makers brew cup by cup, pod coffee makers are highly convenient for people who live alone or don’t live with other coffee drinkers. However, this method does have its downsides.

While pod coffee makers are one of the easiest ways to make coffee, they’re also the most expensive. The machine itself can run you over $100 for a solid, name-brand option and around $40 if you don’t mind a knock-off. Even after this, coffee pods are way more expensive than standard coffee grounds.

If you’re the type of person who sees making coffee in the morning as a chore and you’ve got the money to burn, pod coffee makers are definitely worth looking into.

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