You can get your daily caffeine fix from a range of sources including coffee, tea, energy drinks, and even chocolate. Among all these choices, there’s one that might just reign supreme: the chai latte. Chai lattes combine tea with milk and spices, resulting in a delicious and indulgent way to get that much-needed energy boost. But how much caffeine does a chai latte contain?
The amount of caffeine in a chai latte varies based on the tea used, but it typically ranges from 40 to 70 mg, while a cup of coffee usually has between 75 and 200 mg. A dirty chai latte, however, contains espresso and black tea, so it contains more caffeine than a typical chai latte.
Let’s take a closer look at what chai is, how much caffeine is in a chai latte, and how the caffeine content of chai compares to other drinks like coffee and tea. We’ll also consider whether chai lattes are healthier than coffee-based drinks.
What Is Chai?

Chai is a type of spiced tea that originates from India. It typically contains a blend of black tea, milk, and spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and ginger. Chai lattes are simply lattes made with chai tea instead of coffee or espresso.
The type of tea used in chai lattes can vary. Some popular varieties include caffeinated black teas like Assam, Darjeeling, and Nilgiri (all on Amazon). You can also make chai lattes with green tea, white tea, or rooibos tea, which are all lower in caffeine than black tea.
Spices used in chai lattes also vary depending on preference. Although the most common choices include the spices we mentioned above, some people also like to add nutmeg, black pepper, or fennel.
Chai lattes are usually quite sweet and can be made with either sugar or honey. Some people also like to add flavoring syrups such as vanilla or almond.
The type of milk used can also vary, although whole milk is most commonly used. Alternative milk options include almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk, and some people even like to add a bit of cream.
How Much Caffeine Is in a Chai Latte?
The amount of caffeine in a chai latte depends on the tea used, how long it’s steeped, and the size of the drink.
For example, a chai latte has an average of 40 to 75 mg of caffeine, whereas a cafe latte contains 75 to 150 mg of caffeine, depending on whether it has a single or double shot of espresso. So, a chai latte contains about half as much caffeine as a regular latte.
Assam black tea has more caffeine than Darjeeling black tea, while green tea has less caffeine than black tea. The longer the tea is steeped, the more caffeine will be extracted from the leaves.
The size of the drink also affects the amount of caffeine. A small chai latte has less caffeine than a large chai latte. A typical 8 oz chai latte made with Assam black tea has about 50 mg of caffeine.
How Much Caffeine Is in a Dirty Chai?
Dirty chai is a chai latte with an espresso shot added to it. Chai lattes typically contain around 40 to 75 mg of caffeine, and a double shot of espresso has up to 150 mg of caffeine or more, depending on the beans used.
So, a dirty chai latte has much more caffeine than a regular chai latte, but the exact amount depends on how much espresso is used.
If you’re sensitive to caffeine but prefer the flavor of a dirty chai, you can ask for decaf espresso. The drink will have much less caffeine, since decaf espresso has only 5 to 20 mg of caffeine, depending on the beans and whether it’s a single or double shot.
Chai vs. Coffee: What’s the Caffeine Difference?
Brewed coffee typically has more caffeine than chai lattes. You can expect an 8-ounce cup of drip coffee to have anywhere from 50 to 180 mg of caffeine, depending on the beans used and how they’re brewed.
The percolator method of brewing will typically extract the most caffeine from the beans, up to 200 mg per 8 oz. Pour over and drip coffee usually has slightly less caffeine, at around 150-175 mg per 8 oz.
French press preparation provides a smaller amount of caffeine, at around 80-135 mg per 8 oz. Keurig preparation has the least caffeine, at about 60-70 mg per 8 oz.
With chai lattes, the caffeine content depends on the tea used and how long it’s steeped.
For example, a chai latte made with Assam black tea will have more caffeine, while a chai latte made with Darjeeling black tea will have slightly less. In addition, green and white tea chai lattes will have the least caffeine, and Rooibos tea chai lattes will be caffeine free.
So, an 8 oz cup of brewed coffee often has about double the amount of caffeine as a 12 oz chai latte.
Are Chai Lattes Healthier Than Coffee?

Chai lattes are often considered healthier than coffee, as they contain less caffeine and have additional health benefits from the spices used. However, this is not always the case, as chai lattes can also be high in sugar.
For example, a chai latte with whole milk and sugar can have just as many calories as a regular latte. And if you add flavor syrups or use a pre-made chai concentrate (on Amazon), the sugar content can be quite high.
But chai also has some health benefits that coffee doesn’t have. For example, the spices used in chai have antioxidant properties and can help boost immunity.
Ginger is a natural digestive aid, while cloves have been shown to help fight inflammation. Cardamom and cinnamon can also improve digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels. And black peppercorns help enhance absorption of the other spices.
Espresso lattes contain none of the health benefits associated with chai because they’re simply coffee with milk and foam. But they may have fewer calories, depending on how they’re made.
For example, a plain espresso with skim milk has fewer calories, and if you avoid adding sugar or syrups, an espresso latte may be a healthier choice.
Brewed coffee also has some health benefits, such as being a good source of antioxidants and positively affecting brain health. So, at the end of the day, both beverages can be part of a healthy diet.
Because chai lattes and coffee have their own pros and cons, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. A chai latte is a great choice if you’re looking for a less caffeinated drink with some health benefits. But coffee may be a better choice if you’re looking for a quick pick-me-up without the added sugar.